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SCI的几个问题:空闲符(idle characters),SCC2.3(wake)的含义

SCI的几个问题:空闲符(idle characters),SCC2.3(wake)的含义

空闲符的意思我是看明白了,但是如何启动发送空闲符就不理解了,看了半天也没有找到它的控制方式。SCC2的WAKE这一位,为1的时候叫做“地址标记”唤醒(address mark),这是什么意思,如何理解?
能不用日货,尽量不用日货! 能不用日货,尽量不用日货! 能不用日货,尽量不用日货!

能不用日货,尽量不用日货! 能不用日货,尽量不用日货! 能不用日货,尽量不用日货!
能不用日货,尽量不用日货! 能不用日货,尽量不用日货! 能不用日货,尽量不用日货!

Receiver wakeup is a hardware mechanism that allows an SCI receiver to ignore the characters in a message that is intended for a different SCI receiver. In such a system, all receivers evaluate the first
character(s) of each message, and as soon as they determine the message is intended for a different receiver, they write logic 1 to the receiver wake up (RWU) control bit . When RWU = 1, it inhibits setting of the status flags associated with the receiver, thus eliminating the software overhead for handling the unimportant message characters. At the end of a message, or at the beginning of the next message, all receivers automatically force RWU to 0 so all receivers wake up in time to look at the first  character(s) of the next message.

Idle-Line Wakeup
When WAKE = 0, the receiver is configured for idle-line wakeup. In this mode, RWU is cleared automatically when the receiver detects a full character time of the idle-line level. TheMcontrol bit selects 8-bit or 9-bit data mode that determines how many bit times of idle are needed to constitute a full character time (10 or 11 bit times because of the start and stop bits). The idle-line type (ILT) control bit selects one of two ways to detect an idle line. When ILT = 0, the idle bit counter starts after the start bit so the stop bit and any logic 1s at the end of a character count toward the full character time of idle. When ILT = 1, the idle bit counter doesn’t start until after a stop bit time, so the idle detection is not affected by the data in the last character of the previous message.

Address-Mark Wakeup
When WAKE = 1, the receiver is configured for address-mark wakeup. In this mode, RWU is cleared automatically when the receiver detects a logic 1 in the most significant bit of a received character (eighth bit in M = 0 mode and ninth bit in M = 1 mode).


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