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呵呵,今天从新回来,为了庆祝给你们发一个任意整数分频的代码: module FREQ_DIVIDER( clkin, clr, odd_even, clk_even, clk_odd, clk_out ); parameter N = 5; input clkin; input clr; input odd_even; //when odd frequency devided, set to '1', otherwise, set to '0' output clk_odd; //clock output after odd divided output clk_even; //clock output after even divided output clk_out; reg out1; reg out2; reg [N/2:0] count1; reg [N/2:0] count2; reg clk_out; wire clk_even; wire clk_odd; //wire odd_even = N - (N/2)*2;// this can be simulated , but can't be synthesible. always @(posedge clkin or posedge clr ) begin if ( clr == 1'b1 ) begin count1 <= 0; out1 <= 0; end else begin count1 <= count1 + 1; if ( count1 == (N+1)/2-1 ) out1 <= ! out1; else if ( count1== N-1 ) begin out1 <= ~ out1; count1 <= 0; end else; end end always @( negedge clkin or posedge clr ) begin if ( clr == 1'b1 ) begin count2 <= 0; out2 <= 0; end else begin count2 <= count2 + 1; if ( count2 == (N+1)/2-1 ) out2 <= ! out2; else if ( count2 == N-1 ) begin out2 <= ~ out2; count2 <= 0; end else; end end assign clk_even = out1; assign clk_odd = out1 | out2;//the constraints of the OR gate must be strict, otherwise, //the 1:1 occupancy ratio can't be satisfied always @( odd_even or clk_even or clk_odd ) begin case ( odd_even ) 0: clk_out = clk_even; 1: clk_out = clk_odd; default: clk_out = clk_even; endcase end endmodule