请教高手 安装quartusⅡ4.2的问题
除了sp1 nios 还有什么
原程序如下 非门电路
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity not1 is port(a:in std_logic; b ut std_logic); end entity not1; architecture one of not1 is begin b<=not a; end architecture one;
Error: Compilation of simulation library c:/altera/quartus42/bin/../eda/sim_lib/max_atoms.vhd was NOT successful Error: ModelSim: couldn't execute "vcom": no such file or directory Info: Compiling max components Error: Compilation of simulation library c:/altera/quartus42/bin/../eda/sim_lib/max_components.vhd was NOT successful Error: ModelSim: couldn't execute "vcom": no such file or directory Error: NativeLink simulation flow was NOT successful Error: For messages from NativeLink scripts, check the file quartus_nativelink_simulation.log Error: Quartus II Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 3 errors, 0 warnings
清高手指点一下!!!十分感激!!! |