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Welcome to iMPACT! - The intelligent Multi-purpose Programming And Configuration Tool

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref UserLevel:NOVICE

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref MessageLevelETAILED

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref ConcurrentMode:TRUE

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref UseHighz:FALSE

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref ConfigOnFailure:STOP

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref StartupCLock:AUTO_CORRECTION

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref AutoSignature:FALSE

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref KeepSVF:FALSE

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref svfUseTime:FALSE

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref UserLevel:NOVICE

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref MessageLevelETAILED

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref ConcurrentMode:TRUE

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref UseHighz:FALSE

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref ConfigOnFailure:STOP

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref StartupCLock:AUTO_CORRECTION

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref AutoSignature:FALSE

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref KeepSVF:FALSE

// *** BATCH CMD : setPreference -pref svfUseTime:FALSE

GUI --- Boundary-Scan Mode selected

// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs

GUI --- Auto connect to cable...

// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto

AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.

CB_PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.

Connecting to cable (USB Port).

Cable connection failed.

Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).

Checking cable driver.

 Driver windrvr6.sys version =

 LPT base address = 0378h.       //********并口应该是好用的吧?*************//

 ECP base address = 0778h.   

Cable connection established.

CB_PROGRESS_END - End Operation.

Elapsed time =      1 sec.

// *** BATCH CMD : Identify

PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.

Identifying chain contents ....

'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Unknown

INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device UNKNOWN successfully.//****我的器件用的是XILINX XC2S200***//





'10': : Manufacturer's ID =Unknown

INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device UNKNOWN successfully.




oldtext=Executing command...

GUI --- ************* Process Interrupted by User *************

Process Interrupted by User

ERROR:iMPACT:585 - A problem may exist in the hardware configuration.

         Check that the cable, scan chain, and power connections are intact,

         that the specified scan chain configuration matches the actual hardware, and

          that the power supply is adequate and delivering the correct voltage.





Device #1 selected

// *** BATCH CMD : Program -p 1

PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.

Validating chain...

INFO:iMPACT:1205 - Testing for '1' at position 4. The Instruction capture of the device 1 does not match expected capture.

INFO:iMPACT:1206 - Instruction Capture = '00000'

INFO:iMPACT:1207 - Expected    Capture = 'XXX01'

ERROR:iMPACT:1208 - '1':Boundary-scan chain test failed at bit position '1' .

         A problem may exist in the hardware configuration.

         Check that the cable, scan chain, and power connections are intact,

         that the specified scan chain configuration matches the actual hardware, and

         that the power supply is adequate and delivering the correct voltage.

PROGRESS_END - End Operation.

Elapsed time =      1 sec.







谢谢了,现在换了台机器,刚开始的时候能检测到器件而且是正确的,但下载时,出现DONE没有GO HIGH,下载失败,再后来就又出现和以前一样的了,一直是UNKNOWN DEVICE,这个是不是下载电缆有问题啊?或者是电脑并口有问题呢?




