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我在下在使用impact下载的时候会出现 The incode read from the device does not match the incode in the bsdl File. 是怎么回事啊? 我怎么修改下载不成功? 哪位高手指点一下,谢谢啦……


Keywords: 4.1i, SP3, iMPACT, 583, IDCODE, BSDL
Urgency: Hot
General Description:
When I attempt to configure or acquire an IDCODE from a device, iMPACT reports one of the following errors:
"ERROR:iMPACT:583 - '1' The IDCODE read from the device does not match the IDCODE in the BSDL file."
"ERROR:iMPACT:583 - '2' The IDCODE read from the device does not match the IDCODE in the BSDL file."
"ERROR:iMPACT:583 - '3' The IDCODE read from the device does not match the IDCODE in the BSDL file."
"ERROR:iMPACT:583 - '4' The IDCODE read from the device does not match the IDCODE in the BSDL file."
解决方案 1:
Known Issues:
1. Older CoolRunner devices may have a Philips IDCODE instead of a Xilinx IDCODE. (Xilinx acquired the CoolRunner line from Philips.) If iMPACT reports this error message for a CoolRunner device, a slight modification to the IDCODE register in the BSDL file is required. In the IDCODE Register, "X" out the Manufacturer bits of the IDCODE:

"0000" & -- Version
"0100100010001011" & -- Part Number
"XXXXXXXXXXX" & -- Manufacturer
"1"; -- Mandatory

a. The part number in this example may differ from the part number in the BSDL file for your device.
b. The BSDL file that requires this modification is the "generic" xcr*xl.bsd file located at $xilinx\xpla3\data. iMPACT does not use the package-specific BSDL file.
c. Restart iMPACT to ensure that the modified BSDL file is loaded.

For example:

Device..................................Generic BSDL file
XCR3256XL_CS280 ............xcr3256xl.bsd
XCR3256XL_FT256 .............xcr3256xl.bsd

2. iMPACT does not support certain XC9500 devices. For more information, see (Xilinx Answer 12737).

No known software issues exist that will cause this problem for other devices.

In most cases, this error message is indicative of a board problem. To debug JTAG chain hardware, Xilinx recommends that you use a third-party Boundary Scan tester such as Goepel, JTAG Technologies, Asset-Intertech, or Corelis. These testers provide very specific information on the nature of any JTAG chain problems.

If the known issues do not apply to your situation, follow these debugging steps:

1. Obtain the IDCODE that iMPACT is reading from the device, and compare it to the IDCODE in the BSDL file.

- iMPACT will not report the exact IDCODE returned in Expert Operating mode. To view the actual IDCODE returned from the device, set iMPACT to Novice Operating mode (Edit -> Preferences).
- If the IDCODEs match, a software problem might exist.
- If the IDCODEs do not match, proceed to Step 2.

2. Perform an IDCODE looping test. If IDCODE looping fails, see (Xilinx Answer 8902).