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[ 26527 主题 / 25683 回复 ]

版块介绍: 讨论关于FPGA和CPLD的相关话题!

版主: boyfly, stone133, flanix, bydxdtcdj, 电子狂热, xcx_hust, benbenfei, AndyLee008


    标题 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
common   基于FPGA与PCI总线的并行计算平台设计实现(1) 苹果也疯狂 2015-12-28 0/1189 苹果也疯狂 2015-12-28 22:38
common   请教MaxPlusII的问题 nanxiangzi 2005-3-22 1/1188 nanxiangzi 2005-3-22 00:14
common   [求助]双向端口的问题 xing198200 2005-4-22 0/1188 xing198200 2005-4-22 14:20
common   强烈推荐给中电网一个经营新思维! mage1982 2006-4-18 3/1188 stone133 2006-4-19 11:18
common   发个书!《可编程逻辑器件pld原理与应用》 vincent 2006-4-29 7/1188 zengmei_maggie 2006-4-29 16:21
common   哪位有EPM7128原理图?新手 shishanjixiang 2007-7-4 0/1188 shishanjixiang 2007-7-4 09:17
common   请问verilog HDL和VHDL哪个更高级些? flytosky 2008-2-26 2/1188 caopengly 2008-2-29 21:34
common   两种基于FPGA的软件滤波方法(3) 苹果也疯狂 2015-12-28 0/1188 苹果也疯狂 2015-12-28 22:37
common   求救 !!!!!!!!!!! summertree 2004-3-18 0/1187 summertree 2004-3-18 09:14
common   请教关于IP Core的问题 zzkkelley 2004-12-21 1/1187 boyfly 2004-12-21 14:49
common   请教个位高手:怎么创建vhdl的work库和自定义库阿? fengling168 2005-11-23 0/1187 fengling168 2005-11-23 17:13
common   vhdl初学者请进 flanix 2007-7-10 4/1187 blueprince 2007-8-15 19:44
common   求助关于液晶控制程序(TFT) sunjie19840522 2008-5-5 0/1187 sunjie19840522 2008-5-5 21:26
common   louis vuitton handbags ran to help the Yueyang lottery hjisloood 2012-6-18 0/1187 hjisloood 2012-6-18 20:10
common   有个问题请教高手 sunlike97 2004-12-4 2/1186 sunlike97 2004-12-4 16:26
common   高速DSP 图像处理 njit 2005-12-29 2/1186 njit 2006-1-1 14:46
common   [求助]高人帮我看看,关于nios的flash下载,谢谢!! chubing 2007-1-12 1/1186 bjxiong 2007-1-15 09:47
common   数字匹配滤波器的优化设计与FPGA实现 caopengly 2007-12-28 2/1186 eagle217 2008-1-7 22:13
common   BGA测试插座,BGA贴片测试插座 lingmeiic 2008-2-20 1/1186 caopengly 2008-2-21 11:04
common   ADS8344和FPGA的高精度数据采集前端 caopengly 2008-1-27 3/1186 crazypuma 2008-4-13 00:17
common   等效时间采样原理及基于FPGA的实现 yshc 2017-6-23 0/1186 yshc 2017-6-23 14:49
common   CPLD的口双向性可以解决吗? fybao2000@163. 2004-5-25 3/1185 boyfly 2004-5-25 16:55
common   求救:FPGA高手救小弟一把吧 wujiaman38 2004-11-9 2/1185 txj 2004-11-9 11:35
common   [转帖]ALTERA的假货识别方法 leo 2005-11-9 1/1185 oddsagainst 2005-12-20 16:35
common Icon74 关于新华龙电子C8051F系列技术问题 hu19864 2012-8-7 3/1185 diandi098 2013-2-21 13:29
common   Lattice下载电缆[下载] cjjsy 2005-11-18 0/1184 cjjsy 2005-11-18 09:44
common   [推荐]请各位大虾推荐一款FPGA学习板 燕赵豪侠 2006-1-17 5/1184 燕赵豪侠 2006-1-21 10:37
common   dual ports ram graduate 2007-10-17 2/1184 chenm001 2007-10-18 10:30
common   美国光网络公司北京研发中心招聘 cissytian 2008-7-2 1/1184 cissytian 2008-7-2 14:35
common   求教: 关于ssram在nios ii ide 中的应用 f1_f1_f1 2008-12-2 1/1184 f1_f1_f1 2008-12-3 21:56
common   FPGA 软件安装------Xilinx ISE 10.1 porereading 2011-12-2 0/1184 porereading 2011-12-2 17:50
common   程序错在哪儿,该怎么改呢? cleverwjq@163. 2003-10-27 2/1183 cleverwjq@163.c 2003-10-27 13:24
common   哪位又关于锁相环的代码? bigtoog982 2004-5-27 2/1183 kevinyang 2004-5-27 13:47
common   [请教]一个VHDL的程序(有关显示的问题 ) xhzwenwen 2004-6-24 1/1183 lixg3837 2004-6-24 21:32
common   dsp builder license wwsstt2001 2005-5-14 0/1183 wwsstt2001 2005-5-14 22:17
common   急需Quartus II50的license,哪位大虾有,请发一份,谢了 shanyu 2005-11-4 4/1183 vincent 2005-11-4 11:13
common   [求助]毕业设计(基于FPGA的高频时钟的分频和分配设计) pirlo83 2006-5-13 3/1183 pirlo83 2006-5-14 20:04
common   FPGA学习 zxopen88 2012-9-4 1/1183 zxopen88 2012-11-21 11:00
common   ftp开了吗? boyfly 2004-12-13 0/1182 boyfly 2004-12-13 14:29
common   三种modelsim 6.0的安装方法 附件 kingbow 2007-7-21 2/1182 totticarter 2007-10-21 10:24
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